Conversions in Western NY

Whether you’re looking for enhanced safety and convenience, or simply ready to change the dynamic of your bathroom, a tub-to-shower conversion is a practical yet exciting way to create an environment perfectly suited to your needs.

Bridging the Gap Between Sophistication and Safety
When your bathtub isn’t getting the use it once did, having it converted to a shower is a smart move for homeowners in Western NY looking to improve the flow and functionality of their bathroom. We offer an extensive array of tub-to-shower installation options, allowing you to create your dream bath affordably in about a day.

We offer an extensive selection of accessories to enhance the distinction, functionality, and sophistication of your bathroom. Explore our full offering of shower accessories.


Shower Time, Beautifully Simplified
Our team of designers and professional installers are experts when it comes to helping you choose the best tub-to-shower conversion. Choose from a vast assortment of panels, accessories, and safety features to create a shower that’s ideally suited to your needs and preferences. Discover the difference quality truly makes.

Fast, Same-day Installation

Industry-leading Quality

Affordable Transformations

Tub to Shower Conversion Gallery
Curious about how others have transformed their bathroom experience with a tub-to-shower conversion? Browse our gallery to see real examples from others in Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse, and Central New York, and reveal the enjoyment it can bring to your home.

Call the Tub-to-Shower Installation Experts
If your need for safety and elegant simplicity outweighs the need for baths and big steps in and out of the tub, a tub-to-shower conversion is the perfect solution. The process is fast, mess-free, and handled efficiently from start to finish by our team of expert installers. Start a free estimate today by getting in touch with Wonder Showers and Baths, proudly serving Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse, Central New York, and all of Western NY.